Book Pages

Thursday, February 24, 2005

More "Elite Bar Adventures" Links and Info.

Popdex has just listed "Elite Bar Adventures" as their third most linked-to posting. I provide the short list:

Popdex crawls over 14,000 sites daily to determine the most popular links on the Internet.

1. Themed Fonts Movie and Music Fonts
2. Matthew Yglesias: Closet Tolerants
3. via blogs
4. Blizzard Entertainment - World of Warcraft

The following additional blog postings contain links to "E.B.A.": Blog Herald; La Coctelera (in Spanish); and News Burst. I haven't brought over links used for advertising or from subscription blogs. Of course, pretty much everybody has managed to list the piece without the blog name.

Remember that there are further comments and clarifications to the article in the most recent Mailbag piece.

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