Book Pages

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Who's keeping score?

Well, the Arts/Litblog Obiter Dicta is ten days old now. Who would have thought it would already have had its first 550+ hit day and been listed in Blogdex as tied for 51st place, among all Internet blogs, for "the most contagious information currently spreading in the weblog community". This via a raft of links to the piece "Elite Bar Adventures".

By far the largest volume of hits came from the blog Metafilter. The first to link was the MT Law blog, which I had quoted in the piece. I could not find the permalink (or the posting) from Fishbucket but if the owner sends it along I will back-fit the link into this post. It was probably the second largest source of hits. Either MT Law or a Hungarian blog, IT-Biztonzag, was third. The following blogs also posted links: And I Am Not Lying, for Real; Legal Line; Look at this...; New Links; Privacy Digest. Thanks to Stat Counter for most of this information.

As for the correspondence, I dealt with that in the most recent Mailbag piece.

Just when I will ever get to arts and lit (etc.), who can say? Starting this blog has devoured so much time that I may be weeks in catching up on my various obligations, writing and otherwise.

1 comment:

  1. Gilbert, I'm to "blame" for all of the hits you're getting. I e-mailed Declan McCullagh with his influential Politech mailing list.

    I included your story in my e-mail. He forwarded my e-mail. Instantly, I began getting hits from his readers.

    I must say it is addicting looking at the hits and where they're coming from.
