Book Pages

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Front Page and the Treasure Coast Review.

I've spent the past couple of weeks putting together the pieces of the new Virtual Grub Street. When fate made a "malware blog" out of what was originally intended to be the "arts&lit blog" VGS, the arts and lit side got lost a bit in the shuffle. The recent additions are designed to give all of the categories of posts that appear in VGS a chance at "belonging".

In particular, I've combined and heavily modified two existing template designs which now appear at two new blogs: Virtual Grub Street's Front Page and the Treasure Coast Review. The look is a kind of souped-up-electronic-journal-look with three rows of links. Each of the new blogs has been given a stand-alone mainpage. One serves the original VGS blog as a journal front page and the other serves as a portal to arts and lit pieces that will be shared between the original VGS and Treasure Coast Review blogs. A row of horizontal links has been added to each page-header to facilitate moving back and forth between the blogs and journal pages.

As the name might imply, the Treasure Coast Review will also provide Virtual Grub Street with a regional/local side. The "review" aspect, as regards books, will be satisfied from the review copies I receive in-house from various publishers. The book reviews, then, will continue to be national rather than regional. Poetry will be the best I can assemble. I will not have time to consider submissions and any poems and reviews by others will be strictly by invitation. As for the rest, I intend to review regional arts, theater, restaurants, etc., as the opportunity arises. The first regional page(s) will be an events calendar.

While there are still a few small bugs to be worked out, the templates for Front Page and the Treasure Coast Review are generally working quite well. I intend to have fun following Virtual Grub Street and my freelance and computer work wherever they will take me. Perhaps you will stop in to see how things are going from from time to time.

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