This goes beyond Rep. Foley, it goes to the values of the Congressional leadership and the fact that when children felt that sexual advances were being made against them by people in positions of authority, the Congressional leadership of this Congress did nothing.
The Congresswoman's point will prove to be at the crux of this matter, as the Foley scandal plays out.
How many stories have we heard about children being embarrassed or afraid to complain about the advances of an adult authority figure? So many that there has been a concerted effort for years, by responsible Americans of every persuasion, to provide safe means for children to make such complaints and to encourage them to do just that. The House Page Board was supposed to be just such a place, and, instead, proved to have been absorbed into the extreme partisanship of the present House. The Republican Chair of the Board, Rep. John Shimkus, R-Ill., did what was necessary to keep the matter private, and, in the process, may have left the House pages without protection in the face of a sexual predator.
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1 comment:
you make me ill. Absolutely ill. Hopefully all Floridians are Americans too. Can any of you sickening politicians consider the the greater good, instead of short sightedly protecting only your own back yard. Can you be an AMERICAN first? It that even possible?
again....you make me ill.
And...don't talk about how you want to spend our money transparently... want to work differently...you're just transparently flaunt how un-american what you're doing is.
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