BL Lansdowne 42/39, ff. 97-8
(bifolium, 305mm x 200mm), Oxford to Burghley; before October 30, 1584
(W247-8;F320-1,332). [Click here for modernized spelling.]
The first part of this letter is
in a handwriting not Oxford’s. The Earl’s
handwriting begins at the sign-off and includes the long post-script and delivery
It is not vnknowne to your
Lordship that I haue entred into a greate nomber of bondes to suche, as haue purchasyd
landes of me, to discharge them of all Incombraunces: And bycause I stande
indebtid vnto her Maiestie (as your Lordship knowythe) many of ye said
purchasers do greatly feare somme troble likely to fall vppon them, by reason
of her Maiestyes said debt, & espesially if the Bondes of ye Lord Darcy and
Sir William Walgraue should be extendyd for the same, who haue two seuerall
statutes of great sommes for their discharge Wheruppon many of ye said
purchasers haue ben suters vnto me to procuer the discharginge of her Maiestyes
said Debt, and do seme very willinge to beare the burden therof, yf by my
meanes the same might be stalled paiable at some convenyent dayes. I haue
therfore thought good to acquaynte your Lordship with this their suyte, requierynge
moste earnestly your Lordships furtheraunce in this behalfe, wherby I shalbe
vnburdened of a greate care, which I haue for the savynge of my honor, And
shall by this meanes also vnburden my wyves Ioincture of yat charge which might
happen herafter to be ymposyd vppon ye same, yf god should call your Lordship
and me away before her.
Yowre Lordships
(signed) Edward Oxenford
My lord, this other day yowre man
stainner towld me that yow sent for Amis my man, and yf he wear absent that
Lylle showld come vnto yow. I sent Amis for he was in ye way. And I thinke very
strange yat yowre Lordship showld enter into that course towards me, wherby I
must lerne yat I knew not before, bothe of yowre opinion and good will towards
me. but I pray, my lord, leaue yat course, for I mean not to be yowre ward nor
yowre chyld, I serve her magestie, and I am that I am, and by allyance neare to
yowre lordship, but fre, and scorne to be offred that iniurie, to thinke I am
so weake of gouernment as to be ruled by servants, or not able to gouerne my
self. Yf yowre Lordship take and follow this courcse, yow deceyve yowre self,
and make me take an other course then yet I have not thought of. whearfore thes
shalbe to desyre yowre Lordship yf yat I may make account of yowre friendship,
that yow will leave that cours as hurtfull to vs bothe.
Addressed by Oxford: To the right
honorable my very good Lorde the Lord Theausorer of England [seal]
Endorsed by Burghley: The Erle of
Oxford by Amyce his man
Second endorsement: xxx october
1584; For securing those yat had purchased landes of him, his desire to take a
course to pay his debt to ye Queen.
Also at Virtual Grub Street:
- A 1572 Oxford Letter and the Player’s Speech in Hamlet. August 11, 2020. “The player’s speech has been a source of consternation among Shakespeare scholars for above 200 years. Why was Aeneas’ tale chosen as the subject?”
- The Fascinating Itinerary of the Gelosi Troupe, 1576. June 10, 2019. “The Spanish soldiers had not been paid and unpaid soldiers tend to rob and loot. The citizens were prepared to give them a fight. Violent flare ups were occurring everywhere.”
- A Thousand Years of English Terms. June 2, 2019. ‘One person did not say to another, “Meet you at three o’clock”. There was no clock to be o’. But the church bell rang the hour of Nones and you arranged to meet “upon the Nones bell”.’
- The Battle Over Shakespeare's Early and Late Plays. September 24, 2018. “The answers to the post-Oxford dilemma, of course, are three.”
- Check out the English Renaissance Article Index for many more articles and reviews about this fascinating time and about the Shakespeare Authorship Question.
- Check out the English Renaissance Letter Index for many letters from this fascinating time, some related to the Shakespeare Authorship Question.
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