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Thursday, October 08, 2020

Letters: Earl of Oxford to Robert Cecil, April 24, 1595.

Cecil Papers 31/106 (bifolium, 298mm x 205mm), Oxford to Cecil; 24 April 1595. [Click here for modernized spelling.]

Sir Rober[t] Cecil. whearas I have delt with the Earle of Darbye, about my dowghters allowance, and that he hathe promised me to assure her to that intent a thowsand pound a yeare, for so muche as I now vnderstand vpon sume discontentment yat he hathe not attayned to that honor which yt semethe he dyd at thys tyme expect, he determines to morrow to depart into Lancashiere, and yat he hathe neyther in his house, or for herself, sett downe any stey, wherby ether in her owne loginge, or yf she shall follow her attendance vpon her Maiestie, she is prouided as his wyfe. I doo therfore most hartely desyre yow as her vncle, and good friend to deale ernestly with my Lord Thresorer, vnto whome I have also wrytten, that he wowld send vnto him, or els speake with him, to the end that eyther he showld fulfyll his promes, or vntyll suche tyme as he shall, to take that order which is fytt for her place wherin she serues her Magestie and for his wyfe. I doo vnderstand by my dowghter how good an vncle she findes yow, 

and how redie to friend her, wherin I allso take my self behowldinge vnto yowe. of whatt fancies his humors are compounded, yow know well inowghe, and therfore I pray yow to be ernest with my lord, that he may deale effectually vpone so good a ground as his woord and honor, which he hathe giuen. Also I vnderstand that my Ladie Russell for sume offence conceyved of my doughter hathe latly written to my Lord Thresorer to discorage and diswade him to vrge the Earle of Darby. But for yat she was her self ^the first^ that moved this allowance, and hathe sythence altred her mynde vpon sume conceyt, I hope my lord wyll not be carried away vpon suche vnconstant ballence. Yet yf yow finde any suche hinderance, I pray yow never the lesse styke to yowre nece, and further her in what yow can, sythe her desyre is iust, in that yt ys his promise, & resonable in that she ys his wyfe. Thus what yow shall doo for her, esteminge yt myne owne bond, I refer her whoole cause to yowre kindnes.

Yowre Assured friende.

(signed) Edward Oxenford

Addressed: To ye ryght honorable & his very good friende Sir Robert Cecill one of her Magesties pryve Councel give thes. [seal - boar]

Endorsed: 24 April 1595; Erle of Oxforde to my Master.

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